Executive advisory

Being a Leader at the top can be a lonely experience.

Being a Leader at the top can be a lonely experience.

The Executive Advisory service is a combination of being a sparring and discussion partner, sometimes using mentoring and coaching methods, utilizing own business leadership experiences and knowledge from similar types of situations. Nashater Deu Solheim can cover any type of topic that may influence the executive’s work; own leadership, executive team, business matters, organisation issues, personal, etc.

Nashater Deu Solheim’s experience has led her to offer the most impactful individual support to executive leaders. She offers two alternative approaches depending on the individual executive’s preferences and needs:

  1. Scheduled regular meetings, typically 1 per month or tailored to the executive’s needed frequency,

  2. On demand/«Beck & Call” service – a flexible offer where the executive can have both scheduled meetings and/or have contact with their advisor by phone, SMS, email at any time i.e. on demand when s/he has a need for a discussion. This service will have advisor’s highest priority to be available on demand.

Don’t say: “Are you always going to be late, deliver badly, etc.?”
Do say: “What gets in the way of being on time?”

From THE LEADERSHIP PIN CODE, by Dr. Nashater Deu Solheim


Leadership Assessment